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  • Explore the many uses and benefits of Ecuadorian plants.

  • Learn to recognize herbs in the market and in the wild.

  • Hands on preparations of tinctures, teas, salves & more.

  • Learn how to transform your kitchen into a healing lab.

  • Increase your connection to a greater source of well-being. 


  • Explore the many uses and benefits of Ecuadorian plants.

  • Learn to recognize herbs in the market and in the wild.

  • Hands on preparations of tinctures, teas, salves & more.

  • Learn how to transform your kitchen into a healing lab.

  • Increase your connection to a greater source of well-being. 







A three session, hands-on workshop, aimed at discovering the healing power of twelve different weeds and plants (most of them edible!) that grow spontaneously in our gardens or any patch of urban soil... 


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Andean Herbs 101


Learn to identify and use native  herbs from the perspective of the Andean cosmovision and taxonomy...


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Tinctures, Elixirs & Liquors









This series of four classes grounds on the formulas of the antique European pharmacopeia while it incorporates an awesome variety of native Andean 


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The Earthy Body Shop










Get rid of harmful chemicals present in your regular cosmetics or personal hygiene products and take advantage of the great variety of local plants...


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Andean Micro Greens








Grow, eat and benefit from the best sources of phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Learn to identify native species with...


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Workshops available in English and Spanish


Classes and workshops taught by cultural researcher, cook and writer, Alexandra Moreno.

Ask for more information!


English inquires and reservations:

Alexandra Moreno. Telf.: 099-997-5227



Main Location:

Jacaranda 1-08 y Ordóñez Lasso


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